You’ll find a lot of them around the wasteland by pilfering through cupboards, desks and cabinets, but rarely do you have spare cash to play around with. Make money, fastįallout 4’s currency of Nuka-Cola bottlecaps can be hard to find. This tags the parts you need while looting, so you can quickly grab everything you need while scouring for loot, without having to concentrate too hard or remember every single bit of wood, steel, ceramic and plastic that you may need. There, you can look at the individual components you want to craft for your weapons and use the “Tag for Search” function to cleverly highlight the necessary parts you need. You should always check on the various workbenches that dot the wasteland, including those at your settlements. It’s an incredibly enriching experience, and gives you a really personal tailoring over the kind of character you want to play, but it’s also confusing. You can tweak guns to entirely change their makeup, function and general effects, as well as modify armour with unique stats and buffs.
Crafting in previous Fallout games was somewhat half-formed, but in Fallout 4 it’s absolutely everywhere.